Thursday 1 February 2018

Plates, plates and more plates.......

We picked up an entire collection last summer and it included many plates made by Hycroft.  What to do with so many plates???  Why use then of course!

These links will take you to some interesting history on Hycroft China:

So we did decide that the plates were very pretty, too pretty to stack away in storage so we put them into the cupboard and use them every day.  There is quite a mixture of patterns so we use different ones almost everyday.

  Custom made plates with names or initials in gold.

Plain colored ring around the edge of the plate and a bear with a forest scene and the plate s rimmed in gold trim.
Fifth Avenue Untied Church, Medicine Hat, Alberta and

Fort Garry Hotel, gold and blue rimmed plate.

FLAMINGO - No 506   Flamingo is found on the Balmorla or swirl edge style of dishes, and this is the main difference that separates it from its sister pattern Everglades. It was assigned pattern number 506 and Hycroft’s invoices indicate that sets were sold from 1955 to 1964. I have only seen it in one colour to date, that being a red hibiscus flower with leaves in several shades of green against                a  white background. The rim of the dishes is finished with a speckled gold band

Daizy: No Pattern Number The Daizy pattern is listed in
t h e  Hycroft Records  from 1964-1970, and on the invoices it is usually listed as Daisy not Daizy as on the Hycroft backstamp. Even though it was sold for some seven years, it apparently was not that popular a pattern judging by the number of times you find it listed in the Hycroft invoices; and, furthermore, you do not find it in the marketplace very often. (they are also handpainted)

Game Birds in Flight 
Holiday shape Commercial # ---, center spray, cut geese and partridge size for cups and saucers.  Hycroft China Backstamp. 1955-1979
(Copied from the original with the permission of the writer)
(All photos form our private collection)

Lots of photos of plates most of which are in our cupboard so each evening is a surprise which plate you get.  I must admit I do have a preference but I will never tell which one it is.  There are several photos that do not have the pattern name, I wonder if you have more information could you please name the plate on this page so I can put the names in a comment.

And the Search Continues....

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