Sunday 24 April 2016


On one of our visits to the Medalta Museum in Medicine Hat we saw the miniatures that are on display in their collection, that really piqued our interest in searching for the small pieces of pottery.  The fun is in the hunting for a specific piece and once it goes on the shelf you admire it for a few days and then it is on to the next one, and so it was with the miniatures.  We are hoping to make a connection with other collectors of Medalta, Medicine Hat Pottery, Alberta Pottery, Hycroft or anyone else interested in Canadian Pottery.

The thing about collecting is that it really gets to be almost like an illness, we plan our great adventures around the time and place that we might find pieces to add to our collection!  One of our last pieces was actually at an auction sale in our little hamlet and we didn't go for the start of the sale and missed it!  That was a day that we were happy that someone we knew picked it up for us!

Please leave us a comment and let us know what your thoughts are about Canadian pottery or collecting.

We are just back from an adventure and will share our new treasures soon.

And the search continues...........

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