Thursday, 24 December 2020

Merry Christmas 2020

 What a year it has been......Saskatchewan shut down for a few weeks in March the day after what turned out to be the last in person antique show that we would do for the year.  It has been a year of reinventing many things and learning to keep a distance between people and learning how to bake bread and buns as for quite a while there was no yeast to found anywhere!  Change is the mother of invention they say and antique shows were indeed reinvented.  We joined a group that was hosting a virtual antique show and once again there were antiques showing up for collectors across the world.  The difference with in person and virtual is that the show did access the world not just the local market.  

This will be a blog with the majority of the content being photos.  Many years ago merchants gave gifts to the people that supported their business and the photos are examples of some of those Thank You gifts.


And the Search continues.....