As a child I used to love doing paint by number pictures. There were all kinds of pictures from animals, to nature scenes, to buildings and so many more. Each one came with a pre-printed painting board and little pots of paints that were numbered. The painting had a numbers in the spots that were to be painted the color in the corresponding paint pot. Of course you didn't have to follow the instructions and could paint it any color you wanted.
Medalta made vases that were embossed with different things, there are Storks, Dutch people, Indian Chief and Maiden and a dragon to name a few. Some of the vases are just glazed but others are hand painted and each raised piece on the vase is painted. On a quick look the painting on them looks to be the same but on closed inspection there are a variety of colors on some of the pieces.

The same theme or pattern can be found on several different vases, some painted and some just glazed.
When I look at the vases it reminds of the paint by number art I did as a child. I wonder how the people painting the vases decided what colors to use......did they have a guide? Did they choose what ever color they wanted? How many would be painted in a day at work?
Imagine sitting at a work station with a paint brush in hand and putting the finishing touches on a vase. Not only is it a vase but it is now a piece of art.
Another amazing thing about the hand painted vases is that they are cold painted and not glazed after they are painted. Over time the paint rubs off, wears off or can be damaged by use as a vase from the water for the flowers.
I love the colorful addition these vases make to our collection!
And the search continues.....