Well that was the case for us recently, we saw something that was just fun and fit with our collection so we added it. We were excited to open the parcel when it got here and sure enough the pieces inside were just as fun as the name of the store we bought them from "Silly Sisters Antiques".
We don't usually buy Hycroft pottery, it is fairly plentiful and easier to find but the characters on these are just eye catching and cheery. I believe the pattern may be The Little Red Hen and they were made in the late 1950s. If anyone can help with more information please leave us a note in the comments.
This is a small excerpt from information published and is found in the following link https://journals.lib.unb.ca/index.php/MCR/article/view/17156/22857.
"Hycroft China, Medicine Hat, 1956 to present (70 pieces). In 1956 the Medicine Hat Potteries' plant was acquired by Marwell Construction of Vancouver who, in the next year, sold it to Harry Veiner. He still operates the plant. The items produced were marketed under the name Hycroft, even though the company retained many of the original styles and moulds of the Medicine Hat Potteries."

Here is a link to some information on Hycroft:
Until next time....
And the Search Continues.....